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- Short: 3D library, OpenGL based, Amiga v1.6
- Author: brianp@ssec.wisc.edu (BrianP) Amiga Port: d94sz@efd.lth.se (Stefan Zivkovic)
- Uploader: d94sz@efd.lth.se (Stefan Zivkovic)
- Version: Mesa v2.0 Amiga version 1.6
- Type: dev/c
- Requires: System v39, SAS 6.57 or GCC.
- Replaces: dev/c/Mesa-2.0_Amiga-1.5.lha
- The Mesa 3-D graphics library
- Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Brian Paul
- Introduction
- ============
- Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that
- of OpenGL*. To the extent that Mesa utilizes the OpenGL command syntax
- or state machine, it is being used with authorization from Silicon Graphics,
- Inc. However, the author makes no claim that Mesa is in any way a
- compatible replacement for OpenGL or associated with Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- Those who want a licensed implementation of OpenGL should contact a licensed
- vendor. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library
- General Public License, see the LICENSE file for details.
- * OpenGL(R) is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- Miscellaneous
- =============
- There is a Amiga Mesa WWW page: http://www.efd.lth.se/~d94sz/amesa
- and the orginal Mesa WWW page: http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~brianp/Mesa.html
- Since the OpenGL API is used, OpenGL documentation can serve as the
- documentation for Mesa's core functions. Here are a few sources:
- Man pages: http://www.digital.com:80/pub/doc/opengl/
- Spec doc: http://www.sgi.com/Technology/openGL/glspec/glspec.html
- Author
- ======
- Brian Paul
- Space Science and Engineering Center
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 1225 W. Dayton St.
- Madison, WI 53706
- brianp@ssec.wisc.edu
- ====================================================================
- When I first read about OPENGL in the summer of 1995 I was happy and filled with
- joy. A few days later I surfed to the mesa homepage but only to discover that
- there was no Amiga version. In the beginning of 1996 someone released a AMIWIN
- version so I took the archive home to try it out, but it stayed packed on my HD.
- One day when I was home and playing around with my HD I saw the archive and
- started to try to make it work. Without luck as it seemed that you needed
- the AMIWIN Includes and LIBFILES. But I also discovered that it was possible
- to port it with not to much effort (WRONG THERE) so I begun.
- For the Amiga there is only three important files + one directory.
- src/Amigamesa.c The mesa GL Amiga implementation
- (ddsample.c with some Amiga code)
- src-tk/Awindow.c The tk (and aux) machine specific code)
- include/GL/Amigamesa.h The prototypes for Amigamesa
- Amiga/#?
- Installing
- ==========
- If you have the big archive you just have to unpack is where you want it.
- If you have the updatepackage you need the orginal mesa archive and then
- you will nead lha in your path and run the installer script in /amiga
- (or just unpack AMesa.lha yourself)
- Compiling
- =========
- If you use SAS just execute mklib.amiga (will appear if you have installed it correctly)
- For compiling with gcc you have to enter the command "make amiga-gcc". Via the
- environment variable LOCALFLAGS you can specify additional optimizations (for instance -m68040).
- To use CyberGfx you have to define ADISP_CYBERGFX in include/gl/amigamesa.h
- (you nead the includes for it (ftp.phase5.de))
- About the code.
- ===============
- The Code is compiled with cpu=020 math=ieee
- If you would like it different then use the /Amiga/scoptions read next statement
- The code is by defult amiga standard graphics If you for some unknown don't want
- this there is a define in top of include/gl/amigamesa.h
- The common scoptions file is in /Amiga
- Here exists a scoption that is used in the WHOLE package, change math here
- and it will reflect in all dirs
- In /Amiga/library there are previews of files to the shared-library version
- (This doesn't work yet but should give you an idea of how to use it)
- In /Amiga/Examples there should be some amiga-demo code,
- but I've got no code yet so feel free to send me your own examples.
- All tk actions in tkExec are not finished. But most of them is. (low priority)
- Most of the examples work. (ALL?)
- etc. etc.
- Write your own OpenGL code
- ==========================
- 1. For a easy start, look at the examples in /book/ and modify them
- The examples uses a portable layer toolkit Not amiga specific at all
- Until The shared library is ready you have to define AMIGALIB when
- using <GL/gl.h>
- 2. For a better amigaprogram just open a window (on your favourite screen) and
- add a few lines in your source:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* ADD where you want it */
- #include <GL/gl.h>
- Init() /* sets up viewport and projections */
- {
- glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); /* prepare for and then */
- glLoadIdentity (); /* define the projection */
- glFrustum (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 20.0);/* transformation */
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); /* back to modelview matrix*/
- glViewport (0, 0, 200, 200); /* define the viewport */
- } /* ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^--- The size of the mesa/openGL window */
- /* ADD In after you opened your window */
- struct amigamesa_context *glcont;
- glcont=AmigaMesaCreateContextTags(
- AMA_Window,(unsigned long) test_window, // My Windowptr
- AMA_RastPort,(unsigned long) test_window->RPort,
- AMA_Screen,(unsigned long) test_window->WScreen,
- AMA_DoubleBuf, GL_FALSE, // or GL_TRUE
- AMA_RGBMode, GL_TRUE, // -"-
- AMA_Left, test_window->BorderLeft, // offset from left edgr
- AMA_Bottom, test_window->BorderBottom+1, // offset from bottom edgr
- TAG_DONE,0);
- // Neaded tags is AMA_RastPort,AMA_Screen if you supply AMA_Window
- // it looks for RastPort and Screen in it so a Window_ptr will do.
- if (glcont)
- {
- AmigaMesaMakeCurrent(glcont,glcont->buffer);
- /* All your gl comands */
- /*handle_window_events(test_window); or whatever */
- AmigaMesaDestroyContext(glcont);
- }
- /* Don't forget to call glViewport() when you resize the window */
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if you set doublebuff to GL_TRUE then you just switch buffer with
- AmigaMesaSwapBuffers(glcont);
- For more info on the internal of the Amiga port you can check the files
- src/Amigamesa.c and include/GL/Amigamesa.h for tk check src-tk/Awindow.c
- And info on how to write your own gfx-routines read include/GL/amigamesa.h for
- more instructions.
- ========================
- Remember GL ALWAYS render with (0,0) in the BOTTOM left corner.
- If you use SAS you have to use the latest version (v 6.57), there is some bugs
- in the older version's you can get free upgrades on aminet.
- WARNING The api has changed on AmigaMesaCreateContext() it is now called with
- a taglist. Read /include/GL/amigamesa.h
- Scoptions that should not be changed is Precision=MIXED, NoStackExtend, NoStackCheck.
- It compiles but all examples crash everytime:
- Set your stack high about 50kb or more.
- Linking complains about not finding _glBegin(): or @glBegin():
- You have compiled some code using the stack and some using registers as
- parameter passing, You have to chose one of them and us it on both places.
- The colors are really bad:
- To emulate 24bit I alloc 255 colors in the beginning spread over the
- palette and then use it. If you'd like better colors, buy a GFX-Card.
- (And wait for gfx-card versions.)
- Resizing is sometimes very very unhealthy.
- Please keep in mind that since SAS pre 6.57 contains a few bugs thats could give you
- problem please use the latest version of SAS (Aminet contains a uppgrade).
- I have many users that repordet problems that disapered when thay upgaded SAS to 6.57
- ===============
- http://www.efd.lth.se/~d94sz/amesa
- =====
- Debugg.
- Fix resizing bug.
- =======
- A shared library would be nice. (I have started)
- Faster and better. (You may have some nice idea?)
- ========
- Release:
- 0.8 This code worked with Mesa 1.2.6 and all makefiles also.
- But when I released it, Mesa 1.2.7 was released and some changes were made.
- It didn't work.
- 0.9 Makefiles is remapped to work with Mesa 1.2.7.
- Double buffering works.
- Implemented fast_poly_draw (big speed improvement).
- tkExec a few more tests were done. (right & middle mousebutton is not
- implemented)
- 1.0 I've put a common scoption file in /Amiga (thanks to Kamil Iskra).
- Due to the common scoptions you can change CPU and math more easy ,and
- compiler options set to default math=ieee, cpu=020 so that it works on
- 1200's and up
- Many bugfixes (thanks to Daniel Jönsson).
- Have fixed the smakefile name collision with AMIWIN version.
- Mesa 1.2.8 Fixed.
- Spellcorrection of the docs were made by Peter Sandén.
- (Blame him, not me!)
- All tk's windows are opened on a pubscreen named "MESA" if it exists.
- 1.1 Faster and more stable (Many thanks to Jorge Acereda (JAM))
- Faster pen usage now it allocates 255 pens and use them (thanks to
- Stefan Burström)
- A few enhancements here and there.
- Fixed a smake bug ignore=A only works in the latest SAS version. Now I
- have changed it to IGN=ALL (Thanx to everyone who reported this one)
- 1.2 Removed math from smakefiles, SAS handles this better self. (Kamil Iskra)
- Fixed a serious drawing bug (appeared when using GL_SMOTH).
- Fixed a very flexible programming API for future gfx-board implementations
- Added a BOOL AmigaMesaSetDefs(struct TagItem *tagList); usefull for future enhancements
- ***'API change: AmigaMesaCreateContext uses taglist se include/GL/amigamesa.h
- Faster on doublebuffer rendering. (Now I convert whole double buffer c2p)
- Easier to integrate future gfx-cards routines. Look in include/GL/amigamesa.h
- tk toolkit fixed to work better. Thanks to Georg 'Wulf' Krämer
- 1.4 Uppdated to reflect Mesa 2.0
- Small Bugfixes. Relesed With Mesa 2.0
- 1.5 A few bugs intruduced in 1.4 was fixed (a workaround SAS oml/slink bug)
- Due to a bug in SAS (oml/slink) 1.4 didn't work, this version should work better.
- 1.6 I haved splitted amigamesa into amigamesa and ADisp_AGA.c
- this ensures higer modularity, and becomes easier to se what is neaded to port
- if you want to make your own gfx rutines.
- ADisp_Cyb.c contains CyberGFX drawer rutines (Joerg Nilson)
- It's also posible to use gcc now. (Joerg Nilson)
- Now works with mesa 2.2.
- Due to my lack of time this will be my last relese of mesa, If you are interested to take over and mainten the source
- please feel free to do so, Just please let me know so I can put some info on my webpage.
- Please contact me with suggestions and additional info.
- You can reach me at:
- d94sz@efd.lth.se
- Or mail:
- Stefan Zivkovic
- Kämnärsv. 9L:225
- 226 46 LUND
- Or Phone:
- +46 46 150763